Song of the day

Thursday, November 17, 2011

... and then there was one ......

Tomorrow morning Brad and I board a plane for Lexington, Kentucky (via an Atlanta connection) and I find myself having a very hard time going to bed because of the finality of this flight.   We are headed there for my son Jeff's final football game of his college career, so it's an extremely bittersweet trip.   Often I have opined about how great it would be to have a free Autumn weekend to do as I please or how I wasn't thrilled about yet one more flight, but when push comes to shove, I realize what a big moment this is in my life ..... and his.

For the past 9 years - starting with his Freshman year in High School - at least one day of my Fall weekends has been planned around a football game.   It started out as JV games on Friday nights (or maybe even Thursday afternoons if memory serves me correctly).  He never played until 9th grade, so this was a new experience.  I can actually remember his Junior year when he became a starter, and how I was amazed that he could catch the ball when he played Tight End and hit so hard when he was playing Defensive End.   Where did this kid come from?!  His Dad and I were sure he was destined for the stage when he was younger, but I don't think either of us dreamt that he would chose the stage of a football field.  And then by his Senior year when he started getting interest from some of those schools interested in "not quite big enough for Division 1 but you're a good student" players, it never occurred to me that this would go beyond four years.

Butler chose him and he chose Butler and I have to say that it's been a wonderful fit.   I do literally remember driving away from the Freshman dorms his first year there and feeling like the worst mother on the planet for leaving her son on a sweltering August day in an un-airconditioned dorm as he was ready to start 2-a-days........   But we both survived.   And I think in perhaps many ways, he thrived.   Jeff found his niche and ran with it.   And I could not be prouder.    He graduates in December as a 5th year Senior, choosing to stay and play the one more season of eligibility he had.   He already has a job offer - a blessing in these times.  They are lucky to have him.  He will be staying in Indianapolis... with Michelle, his girlfriend of three years, whom we love as well, and all of the friends he has made over the years.  There are so many proud moments that I am not sure I can recount them all, but I know one was last year when he received the award for "The Butler Way" at the end of the year banquet.   In the scheme of life, those are the ones that matter.

So one more Friday I will board an early morning flight, with my #52 jersey packed in my luggage.   I will wake on Saturday morning and slip it on and wonder if perhaps the people on the other side of the stadium will see it glow when I wear it with pride as my son takes the field.   I will cheer.   I will smile.   More than likely I will cry.  But mostly I will be filled with such love and pride.  I am so proud of the young man he has become.  I told him that once in a text message a few months back........ he replied that he had much more "becoming to do".   I am not sure what I have done so right in my life that I have been blessed with the two sons that I have, but I treasure them and how they have enriched my life.

Here's to health..... may you get through this last game unscathed.
Here's to hope.... for a Butler victory and your bright future.
Here's to joy ... what you have given me the last 22 years.
Here's to love... words cannot express how much I love you and how proud I am to be your mother.

Thanks for the memories Jeff.   It's been amazing!

So the song I have chosen today is a classic.......   "It's a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong.   It truly is a wonderful world........

Thursday, November 3, 2011

That's the way that the world goes round ........

Well now, it's almost downright embarrassing to admit that it's been almost a MONTH since I last wrote!   Not sure what exactly happened there, but honestly, I take it as a good sign since it must mean that the house wasn't always one my mind 24/7. 

Just to make life more interesting, I took a misstep off a sidewalk in Raleigh, NC - where I was headed last time I wrote.  We were going to dinner and it was dark and there was a cut out I didn't see.  Pop goes the ankle!   Long story short, had it x-rayed the following Monday and it wasn't broken but have to admit this is one of the worst sprained ankles I may have ever had.  It's been four weeks and honestly, it still hurts, is still a tiny bit swollen and I haven't been able to run for 4 weeks.  When I put on the wrong shoe, it reminds just exactly where it still is tender on that outside edge.  Enough already!   I hobbled around for a good week, took 9 days to be able to have the swelling go down enough to fit it in a shoe, but now it's pretty much business as usual.

Since that weekend in Raleigh, the Bulldogs have had two games back in Indy and an actual bye last weekend so we got to stay home!   It was great!   We leave tomorrow for Jeff's last home game of his career at the Butler Bowl........ Senior Day, where the seniors get recognized and Brad and I get to walk out through the tunnel and onto the field with him.  It truly will be bittersweet.  It's been an amazing ride and I am so proud of him.   And to make it even more special, my other son, Matt is going to join us as well so we will ALL get to be there!   Should be a great weekend.   The two remaining games after that are in Jacksonville, FL (it will be tough, but I will go!) and Morehead, Kentucky for the grand finale and Jeff's last college football game ever.  I am thinking it might be a good idea to put a pack of Kleenex in that camera bag about now!

As for the house, we're definitely getting there.   I feel like life has actually calmed down enough that I am actually able to start doing the little things that really make you feel settled and like it's your own.  Still working on things like hanging pictures but I make more progress each day.   It has been beautiful fall weather so I have tried to do some things outdoors as well, before winter comes for keeps.   (It did get to 32 degrees last night so it's not too far away!).  I have finally been able to make head way on clearing things out of the greenhouse that just got thrown in there to be stored when we moved in - figured I have to make room for things I have to put inside soon like patio furniture!

My electricians have been here three times and we are mostly done, though still waiting on a down rod for a ceiling fan they are going to install.   I haven't gotten the bill yet, but I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end.   We figured out a few of those mystery switches, gave up on a few more but they tested them and reassured me that they were dead and not using any power.  I had them disconnect a few things I want to get rid of and they added some things like can lights in the office and another box for an extra fixture in a couple of hallways (I hooked the new lights up myself today!).   All in all no horrible surprises or startling discoveries, which is fine by me.  There are a few things I am going to submit to the Home Warranty company (they left them unfixed) and see if they will cover. 

Then today we decided it was time to shut down the pond pump for the winter.  Just for kicks, I went to the Westar meter and timed a complete revolution,  Then I went and shut down the pump and went back and time the revolution of the wheel again.  OH .... MY..... GOSH!!!!!  I think I may have found a source of major energy usage and I am thinking a new pond pump might be in order in the spring!   I kid you not, the single revolution of that wheel was three times faster when it was running.   I  think over the course of a 24 hour period that is MAJOR energy usage!!!   Now granted we are having to fire up the furnace in the house occasionally in the mornings now, but I almost can't wait for the next electric bill!!

So there is hope!  And we are getting ready for winter.   I must admit that I have been pleasantly surprised so far and the house actually seems to be fairly well insulated.   I have typically only had to run the heaters for a few hours on really cool mornings (Brad thinks I am nuts but 55 degrees inside my house is just a bit nippy when I wake  up - though I LOVE sleeping when it's cold).   I still have a bunch of sealing up to do - caulking around windows where it's come out over the years, patch a few holes.    I got the chimneys swept to make sure we wouldn't die if we had a fire.  We've also decided that we're pretty sure we are going to convert them to gas logs since it's just so much cleaner and easier and we would use it more.  Luckily they are already plumbed with gas starters, so I hope to go tomorrow and order the logs sets since I have spent this week shopping around.  

Next week I have a guy coming to do some repairs on my very old doors and windows that are having some issues, but I think after that, that I don't  have too many more contractors scheduled that I can think of!  Hooray - maybe I can get even ,more of my things done!  Which is good since we are hosting Thanksgiving at our house for all of Brad's family.  Both boys and their girlfriends are coming and we will have somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-25 people here for the meal!  I don't have to do all of the cooking but needless to say, there are things I really need to get in order before that day!  Nothing like a looming deadline to light a fire under you, huh?!

In the course of a month so much happens, but I don't want to bore you!   I got to spend a few days with my Mom during bye week from football, so that was nice.  She's doing well.  I also decided to take a class at an art gallery in Old Town so for the last four Wednesdays I have spent a few hours each afternoon learning how to make glass tile!   It's a class on fusing glass and I have had a ball.  So much so that I just signed up for four more weeks!  I'll try to take some pictures and post them soon. 

So on that note, I will sign off and hope that I haven't put you to sleep without tales of hidden crawlspaces and strange discoveries.   It was probably a lot more fun to read my blog when I had my finger in the dike each day, huh?!    

It's hard to believe that a year ago I was on my big road trip - seems like a lifetime ago.   Actually, one year ago today I was in Pittsburg at my Mom's and went out to dinner with several old high school friends!   From that day to this has been an incredibly journey with lots of ups and downs, but I just continue to hold on for for the ride   Decided to post a song tonight that just sort of sums up life sometimes.   It's called "That's The Way That The World Goes Round" by John Prine.   Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll try to write again before another month goes by!