Song of the day

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"American Home Shield ....... please hold!"

Today is what seems like day bazillion of 100 degree heat!  Brad and I walked the dogs at about 6:45 in the morning and honestly we didn't go too far before all of us were ready to get home.  This heat and humidity just totally zaps all of your energy!   I am honestly not sure how people who work outdoors can do it.

And speaking of outdoor workers, it was day two of my tree trimmers.  I had already scheduled them to remove some dead wood from some of my many trees, when lo and behold, the previous owner forwards me a letter they had received from the city.  Turns out our southwest corner trees were determined to be a traffic hazard and they need to be massively pruned so there could be a line of sight.  So instead of starting with the ones I wanted to that will make my yard look better, they had to start back there, in the corner I never even see!   Good times.  That being said, they did some good work today and still have about a half days worth of work or so left.

I took lunch in to Brad's office and met his co-workers today too.  All of them seemed very nice and I know they love having Brad there.  The Med Students haven't started up yet so it was pretty quiet, but at least that will give him some time to acclimate to the new job before they arrive.  It was fun to help him hang pictures in his office too!

Seems like most of the rest of the day was spent on the phone .... talking to the moving company about some claims we need to make on some damaged goods, three calls to the home warranty company with the average time waiting before I got to speak to someone being about 25 minutes, and even had to clear up an old medical insurance problem from a bill from Salt Lake City!  Not much time left to do much else today besides pack.

Brad and I have a quick little getaway planned, and while it will be busy and hectic, it will be much appreciated to get away from the "job site" for a few days.  We fly to Washington DC tomorrow morning and will return on Friday, so as you can see it is a short trip.   It should be pretty fun though!   Brad is part of a group that is working with various agencies, including the US government, to try to standardize critical care.  He goes 2-3 times a year for meetings.  Well, the consulting firm they work with is having their 10th Anniversary and they invited a handful of people to a dinner on Thursday night and the cooking will be done by 4 chefs from America's Next Top Chef!  I must confess that I don't regularly watch the show, so I don't know much about our 4 celebrity chefs, but still know the meal will be great!   When we got the invitation in the mail it came complete with an America's Next Top Chef cookbook too!    Figured it was worth a plane ride to get to experience this!!   Time to dust off a dress and shave the legs!   Momma's dressing up!!!   I am not even going to worry about what I eat that night.  I just hope I don't need a seat belt extender on the flight home!

So my guy Adam will be here with the dogs.  He's going to demo the old non-functional in-ground hot tub and do some electrical troubleshooting for me.  It's too hot to give him too many outside tasks!

Time to hit the hay!   Not sure if I will blog again until I get back from DC but I promise I will try to take some pictures of the food before I devour it and post them!   I know, I know ...... I keep saying I am going to post all kinds of pictures and I haven't!   I'll try!


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