Song of the day

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Miracle and a Menace!

George can swim!!   Who knew?!

It's been a busy few days filled with family, fun, fireworks, food and of course, moving related things.  The last one was not as much fun as the first four, but what do you do.

Mom and I got to Wichita about noon on Friday, followed by Jeff and his friend Peter later that afternoon.  Let the games begin!  All seem to approve of the new digs - or as Jeff calls it: "the compound"!   Within an hour or so of Jeff getting here, they decided it was time to swim.  So of course the three dogs went out with them.  One dog in the pool ..... two dogs in the pool .... one dog running along the sides looking longingly at the water.  I went away for a few minutes and was beckoned to the door by Brad.  Lo and behold, George is on the top step with Jeff!  Cool!!!   A few minutes later, George is a few feet out into the pool and not a bit panicked!  I go away and come back a few minutes later and George is out in the middle of the pool, apparently having the time of his life!!   I step outside to ask Jeff what he did.  Duh - treats!   George will do ANYTHING for treats!!   He had a great time for the next hour and by the time all was said and done, he was jumping off the sides like the other two!  According to Jeff, he just didn't realize he had to use his back legs too and once he discovered that, it was cake.  Never said he was the sharpest tool in the shed but he is loveable!!   Photos to follow!

So we have no created a monster!  Like Madison, he thinks he can get in whenever he wants!  He swims like a maniac and if you throw a stick or a toy, he will will literally jump ON you to try to get it first!   (Just ask Madison!)   Hence today's title - it's a miracle and a menace!   Other than the dog hair, I am actually glad.  In this heat, it really helps him to cool off.

It was a great weekend.  Jeff and his friend Peter were wonderful company and did so many things to help out around the house - got on the roof and cleaned out the gutters, trimmed branches hanging on the roof, helped fell a leaning pine tree and proceed to cut it up with the chain saw  (you should have seen the smile on Peter's face as he had never used a chain saw before!), moved countless heavy pieces of furniture from point A to point B, put together the pool cleaner Brad had bought,  acted as fireworks ignitors, made Grandma breakfast the first day.  I am sure I am leaving out several things, but you get the drift!   They will be a tough act to follow for the next guests I have!  Don't worry - I don't expect work out of all of you!

Mom loved the house too and believe it or not, she loves to pull weeds, so I let her have her fun!  Lord knows there are TONS of them in this yard!   It was nice to have her here and even nicer to know that she is close enough that we can do this more often.  I think if she could, she would live in my greenhouse!

We had our celebration on the 3rd since Jeff and Peter both had to be back to work on the 5th, so the 4th was their travel day.  Had over my mother and father-in-law, two sisters in law, a brother in law, a nephew and his partner, another nephew and his wife and new little baby girl.   Lots of food,  fireworks and just a good time had by all I think.  It is so nice to be back here!   I didn't even care that the house was a wreck, boxes were everywhere and the dogs were all wet!   In some ways it's nice!  No expectations!!!   It was nice for them to all get to see the "before"!

So now, Jeff and Peter are back home, Mom is back in Pittsburg and I have a couple of weeks until the next event to try to settle in a bit.  I just may sleep for 24 hours or so - not sure when I remember ever being quite this tired, but it's all good.  Still feels right.   Good to be back in the Land of Oz!   Now I am off to bed!

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