Song of the day

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So a girl walks into a barn .......

Well, I did it!   I found my barn! For any of you who weren't aware of it, I have been on a quest to find a barn to salvage and to use the barn wood in the remodel of my house.  I have had this idea for several years now - even before I bought this house, but thinking that some day I would do this.   So now that I have started the demo of the bathroom, I began looking in earnest.

Who knew there were entire websites where people could list their barn for sale?!  Not me until I stumbled across them.   I wrote to several people who had barns listed, asked some questions and asked for photos.  Some were way too big - didn't need that much wood or the challenge of trying to take it apart.   Some were over priced, .... no thank you.   Then I found a simple listing and sent a note and got a reply back with some photos.  It seemed to be a reasonable size and the price was unbelievably low!   I am not sure how this one didn't get snatched up but I will just look at it as my gain.  And what is really weird, is that I have gone back on all of the sites I was on and I can't find the listing so I can't even remember where I found it!   (I know, I know, there are those out there reading this who are now just SURE that this is a scam, but I promise it's not!).  It has wide board siding and some beams on the interior as well (some just had 2x4 framing), so I was even more excited.   I have spoken on the phone with the owner, so I know it's legitimate.  She and her sisters inherited the property after several deaths in the family and need to sell it.

As of right now, the hopeful plan is to salvage it around St. Patrick's Day.   The barn is actually in  Cape Girardeau, Missouri, which will be a 9 hour drive for me but it seemed worth it.   My son Jeff is only 5 hours away so he is planning on coming as well and I am officially inviting anyone who wants to experience the decommissioning of a barn to join me.  Nope, I have no idea what I am doing but I will do it to the best of my abilities and will never sacrifice the safety of myself or anyone else for this project.  I should be quite a sight driving down the highway pulling a load of barn wood in a trailer soon, huh?!   If you are interested in joining in, let me know!!  Oh yeah -and how weird is it that the sister who lives there in town lives on CONNIE STREET?!?!??!   There goes that serendipity again!!!

So that's the biggest news I guess.   The shower demolition was completed the day after I last wrote and all I can say is that the shower pan was NASTY!   Let's just say that a mortar shower pan subjected to years of moisture that leaked for who knows how long grows some really ugly stuff!!   The good news is that since it was so wet it made it break up better and I could haul it out in pieces!    The air feels so much cleaner in there already.  Next up will be to demo the rest of the bathroom, which should happen the last week of February when Brad goes out of town again.  No way can I get the giant bath tub out so I have hired some guys to help me with that, but I will attempt to do as much of the rest as I can.  So far the cost has been a whopping $15 for one trip to the landfill with a truck bed full of debris!!  Well, and the cost of a massage a couple of days later, which I totally felt like I had earned!   Once the bathroom vanity, tub and toilet are out, I can tear out all of the drywall and figure out a better way to lay out the room - hopefully without having to make any structural changes.   I bought a computer program to help me design it which just arrived yesterday so I am anxious to try that out.  (I wonder if they have a barn wood application in it?!).  Also went to the Home Show so I got all kinds of fun ideas!    Uh oh ..........

So besides the house, we got to celebrate Valentines Day!  We are not usually ones for man made holidays but decided that we should go out this year so went to a great wine bar here that had a wine dinner where they matched each menu item with a wine.  Had some really good food and wine!  And of course my company at the table was the best part.  Happy Valentines Day to my one and only.   He is definitely a keeper - for my gift he actually got me a painting that an elephant did at the Sedgwick County Zoo!    How freakin' cool is that?!?!?

So things are going well!  Got another electric bill and they just get lower and lower each month!  Definitely doing some things right and I guess all of those little things that I am doing all the time are adding up.   Those cans of spray foam insulation have been a blessing on some occasions!  I REALLY don't want to have to turn on the pond pump and the air conditioners again, but the time will come and we will do what we can to make it better.

The song I chose today is one I have liked for a long time but it definitely fits the bill for the theme of the house lately.  It's by a lady named Cindy Bullens who I first heard as an opening act for someone we went to see in San Diego.  I loved her right away and bought three of her CD's that night.   This song is called "Hammer and Nails".  It kind of speaks to building your life, your love and your home the right way!   Here's to hammers and nails - and lately crowbars!!!

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