Song of the day

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fiery Furnace

There is a location you can hike to in southern Utah at Arches National Park called Fiery Furnace.  We weren't able to go on it last time because you can only go with a ranger and they were booked up.  My understanding is that it really is not called that because of any heat issues or anything, but I think I have found another alternative "Fiery Furnace" hike and it takes you directly to Wichita, Kansas!

To say it's been warm is a understatement!!  It was 104 in Wichita at 3p.m.!   Yesterday was the same and I think the next three days have pretty much the same forecast!  Thank heaven for air conditioning!

The last few days have been more of the same.  More unpacking and getting organized, a stock up run to the grocery store, picked up a couple of kegs for the kegerator (SOOO many more choices in the state of Kansas!!!).  Broke out the pressure washer to clean off the back patio - man I love that tool and the instant gratification it provides!  Got the gas grill hooked up, fixed a couple of things on the pond, another round of recycling cardboard and packing paper, etc., etc., etc.  Slowly but surely it's taking shape but I know this will be a long, slow process and am trying to be patient.  Not my strongest asset!

George and I loaded in the car and headed to Mom's house in Pittsburg around 3:00.  I discovered it's like when my kids were little and we would come visit and they would swarm all over the kids and sort of later remember that we were there too.  I think Mom was more excited to meet George than to see me!    George got to meet Foster, Mom 's pug.  After a few little "not sure" moments early on, they seem to be getting along fine, even though George is about three times his size!  He's not quite sure why this little snorter doesn't want to wrestle with him though!

We will head back to Wichita in the morning and Mom will see the new digs and hang out with us until Tuesday when I will bring her back.   Jeff comes in tomorrow afternoon as well, with his friend Peter, so it will be fun to have our first company!

And it just makes sense that since we have been in the house about three weeks or so that we host a big get together for the holiday, right?!   Yes, we're nuts!  On Sunday we are having a whole host of family over for swimming and some BBQ - Mom, Mother- and Father-in-law, two sisters-in-law, six nieces and nephews and a handful of other family members!  I know it will be a lot of fun, but seriously, what were we thinking?!

So after next week, it's time to get to business and start to get settled in. Brad doesn't start until July 15th so we have a little more time.  I just have to keep reminding myself steps..... baby steps .....     it will get there.

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