Song of the day

Monday, June 13, 2011


Another day, a few more adventures!   Woke early (as seems to be the norm these days) and got to work lugging all of the empty boxes and papers outside.  Just couldn't stand seeing them in the house any more and figured this would at least make me feel like I was getting somewhere!  I knew it was going to be a busy day so was just hoping that it was going to be a productive one as well.  The guys finished the nice epoxy coating on the garage floor this morning, so that's a plus.  We can walk on it tomorrow and drive on a day or so after that.  FINALLY I will be able to use that nice big garage!

Next came the yard guys.   Sure seemed like they were out there for a while, mowing, edging, etc.  Made me really think about whether it will be worth it to do it myself or just continue to pay them!  For this season at least, they win.

By 8:30 or so the next moving van was here.  Hooray!  Finally all of my things in are in one place!   They got everything else unloaded - mostly garage, workshop and outdoor things but a few indoor things as well.  They were gone by noon or so.

And in that same time frame the guys who are going to be removing that popcorn ceiling texture from some of the last remaining rooms arrived.   Prepped, laid dropcloths, lugged in all kinds of equipment and stuff - and then apparently took about a 3 hour lunch or so!!!   By day's end, one room had been scraped.  Sure hoping that the plan is for more intensive work tomorrow or this could be a very long process!

But the grand attraction for the day was the appearance of the air conditioning repair man!    He came earlier than expected and wasn't here all that long before it was all up and running.  The really frustrating part is that it was something pretty darn simple that I wish someone had thought to have me check before four days had passed with no A/C.  Turns out there is a power switch on the heater that has to be left on for the A/C to work and on both units someone had flipped them off!!!  He tells me the design is so that they can be serviced, but people often switch them off by accident when they are looking for light switches.  Would have been nice if he had told me to check that last Thursday!   He went ahead and checked the units and the freon and everything, so for now we are good to go!   It was truly a "D'Oh!!!!" moment though!

The rest of the day is a blur of unpacking boxes and moving things from point A to point B.   Got most of the stuff delivered today in the general vicinity of where it needs to be but will worry about particulars later.  I think the plan for tomorrow is another day of unpacking - hitting the master bedroom hard so we can get that squared away.    All in all no complaints.  Everything is here...... only a few minor damage claims to make .... the air in the house is cool ...... the dogs are happily napping on the floor.

Time for a cold beer and then off to bed.  Feels a bit like groundhog day around here these days, but soon enough the fun part begins.  I am thinking that tomorrow I am going to head to the pool store to buy a floating lounge chair.   All in favor, say "aye"!!!

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