Song of the day

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Squirrels and mosquitos and bats ....oh my!

Like I said last time, never a dull moment!   I am however wishing there could be a few!  Sorry for the length between postings but it appears that we are STILL working on getting internet at the house, even though the guy was here twice.  I am actually sitting using Brad's laptop but it was Brad who found a way to make it work. Comcast is coming back on Wednesday!  At least we do have TV now.  No phone, but hey, who am I to complain!

Still no A/C.  We feel very fortunate that the weather has actually been rather cool the last few days and we have manged to get by.  It's not been FUN but it has been tolerable.   We start off early and by mid-afternoon usually go do errands to get in some cool air, then stick fans in every window we can in the night time and it's been okay.

Like I said, great house and we love it but it's been a bit surprising the shape some things are in.  For a nice home, they really weren't much on maintenance and  there are a lot of things that are in worse shape than we thought.   Nothing too major but we are quickly seeing that our priorities for our initial remodeling budget may be spent more on getting things up to snuff than actually making too many changes.

I think I left off last time just after the moving van left.  Well, truck load number two arrives in the morning so Brad and I have been  working as fast as we can to get stuff cleared to make room for this round of goodies.   The guy who is scraping the popcorn texture off of the ceilings starts tomorrow morning as well, and we are having an appraiser from the insurance company come at the same time as all of that.  Throw in a visit from the pool guy and HOPEFULLY the A/C guys and it should be a crazy day!

It's been mostly work and falling into bed exhausted at night.  My in-laws have been real life savers and have brought us dinner the first few nights and enough leftovers for lunch the next day.  The dogs are adjusting, though I think interestingly enough it's been the hardest in some ways for Madison. She seems really confused and out of synch.  Tucker is just Tucker and as we expected - while we love the night showers that cool it off for us, he has been having a tough time.   George is just George and as long as he can be with us, it's all good.  Both he and Madison have gotten out of the yard once already, so new fencing is moving quickly up the priority list!!

Took our inaugural dip in the pool and must say it was pretty refreshing,.  We couldn't get Tucker to come out, so he didn't swim but Madison LOVES the water so getting her in was no trick at all.  Poor George kept running around the edges trying to play with everyone and looking like he really WANTED to get in, but couldn't bring himself to do it.  Sure enough, at one point, he sort of fell in!   Not exactly pretty and it appears that instead of a doggie paddle technique that he uses more of a "bloodhound floundering"  method!!  Not sure he will be too eager to try it again and not sure we will encourage it all that much!  As Brad said, that's  about the ugliest dog swimming talent he has ever seen!

I know there are a million things I have thought about blogging about, but honestly, when it gets to this time of day., I am beat.   I was going to make some comment about how it must be required that if there were a single pair of shoes in any box that the packers must be required to write "shoes" on the box.  I was afraid that if someone were to break into my house that they would think Imelda Marcos was moving in!   It was rather comical!

Oh yeah - the title for today.   Squirrels ... there are many in my yard and they seem to be Madison's new favorite thing.  She will tree them and then sit at the base and look at them for what seems like forever.  I just hope she doesn't catch them!   Mosquitoes...... I am guessing that there is something I emit that says "fresh meat" since I seem to be the landing pad for every one in a one mile radius!  I go to take trash out - I am bit.   Every bite swells.   I look like a lumpy, sweaty old lady!   Bats ..... wasn't going to fess up to this one but it was pretty funny.  Last night we were sitting out by the pool at the end of the day and something kept darting and flying low and George was just going nuts.  After a minute, Brad said he thought it was a bat by the way it was flying.   Ugh!   Ick!    Yuck!    He tried to explain to me that they were beneficial and ate the insects, but all I could think of was ugh .... ick..... yuck!

So that's my life in Kansas to this point.  I had kind of forgotten about all of the critters and insects and all of those lovely things.   It's okay though.  Tomorrow is a new day!  Just cross your fingers that I get A/C soon or my keyboard might melt and I won't be able to blog anymore!!

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