Song of the day

Thursday, June 23, 2011

.... I'm leaving, on a jet plane .....

Just thought I would do another blog entry before I pack my bags for one last fling back in Salt Lake City.  They wanted to have a going away party for Brad for his work group and I had just intended to "phone in" my presence but they found that unacceptable and demanded that I come back.   So I am catching a 6:30 a.m. flight and headed west.

The trickiest part of leaving so soon after moving here is finding someone to stay at the house with the dogs.  Enter Adam.   He is a friend of Brad's cousin's daughter (did you follow that?) and is a student at Wichita State and putting himself through school by doing odd jobs.  So for the next four days, he is going to stay at the house and take care of the dogs and do work for me!   I got a dumpster delivered and have BIG plans for this young man!   Goodbye nasty chain link fencing on a old dog run, goodbye nasty old planter box out front that should never have been there, hello new ceiling fan!    He is studying electrical engineering and it turns out at the ripe old age of 19 that he is already a licensed electrician!   Jackpot!!!   My house is an electrical mystery in certain spots!   I think I will be seeing more of Adam this fall - he can dog sit on football weekends and do work!   Hooray.   The funniest part is that he was going to stay with a friend tonight (he had gone home for the summer but came here to do the work for me) but the friend had to go out of town, so he's hanging here with us tonight!   Very nice young man and easy to be around.  Dogs seem to like him too so this is totally win-win so far!

The house is coming along and I keep trying to frantically get everything in at least somewhat the right spot before I leave.  Seriously, am I nuts?!   This is impossible in a house this size, alone, in a short period of time.  You would think I would stop trying, but nope.  I keep going.   Well, I have done the best that I could for now and I think it's enough.

And I am discovering another joy of being back in Kansas - - I can host a  holiday!   Brad and I should get back on Monday night and then on Thursday I am going to drive to Pittsburg to pick up my mom and bring her back for the 4th of July weekend!!   Jeff is going to be come Friday to Monday and a friend of his is coming too, so I will have three house guests amidst all of the chaos!  Hooray!   Going to even try to put together a little shindig with the in-laws and Brad's sister and her kids too.

I know I haven't written much lately about the actual moving process of the adventures that have been going on, but as opposed to those first few days when we discovered all of the "not so nice" surprises, I have now discovered a few fun ones.  Like how Brad, apparently not knowing he already bought some, kept buying more running shoes that he liked.   It was only in the unpacking that we have discovered that he should be set for several years now!       Or how I apparently have a bazillion candles!   I like them but rarely burn them so now as I unpack, I am shocked at how many I have!   Time to find the lighter and get to it.   But please, if you are contemplating giving me a house warming gift, please don't give me candle!!!!

And then there was the ice maker (yeah - there is an actual ice machine in the bar area - one of Brad's favorite features in the house I think as he is an ice freak!).  I went to get some ice last night and thought I saw something in the back.  Afraid of what it might be, I washed my hands and tentatively dug in.  Low and behold, I found two bottles of beer and Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper!!!   Definitely ice cold!    Okay, so the beers were non-alcoholic, but I have always wanted to try one.   Verdict: drink water if you don't want real beer! 

But the best surprise was in the workshop yesterday.  I went in to use the utility sink after doing some painting and turns out they left me some liquid soap.  But not just ANY liquid soap!   I am now the proud owner of Sesame Street soap!   It's called "Foamy Elmo Hand Soap!  That's right - not foaming, but foamy!!!   Love it.    AND it just gets better and better - it's watermelon scented!!!   How cool is that.   Anyone else out there have any foamy watermelon scented soap?   I didn't think so!

So it's time to sign off.  Tucker is at my feet, which isn't nearly as romantic as it sounds.  He's under the desk shaking because it's thunder and lightning outside!   He is really not to sure about these Kansas digs!!!  I keep telling him his boy Jeff is coming to visit soon so just be patient and it will all be better.   Not sure if I will be back on here until I get back Monday night but who knows!   Must admit that I am actually looking forward to four days of no manual labor!  


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