Song of the day

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time to hit the road

Well........ what a few days it has been.  Yesterday was a very trying day. Spent another five hours over at the house watching and helping the moving company get everything picked up.  A little unconventional as they didn't send packers, just boxes and told the movers that they had to pack!   That can lead to a few anxious moments, but fortunately the things left were a bit more sturdy things.   Gotta have faith that it will all get there okay!   So by the time I left it was about 2 p.m. and quite honestly, I was completely sick of my house by then!  Who knew I would ever say that?

In the midst of all of that, I had to figure out how to be two places at once so that I could be there and get Brad to the airport for his flight to DC.   Answer: you can't.   So I left the packers to their business, picked up Brad and the dogs, dropped him at the airport and arrived back at the house as they were loading the last few things!  Swept out the garage, shut the doors and locked up and that was that.  I am now officially homeless ..... at least for a few days.

The drama started after that.  Turns out the buyers thought we were leaving the kitchen fridge and we thought we were taking it!  A frantic call from their real estate agent to mine, and then her to me, set off several hours of hand wringing, second guessing who did what wrong and hours on the internet trying to figure out what a replacement would cost.   It was not really how I had envisioned spending my last day/evening in Salt Lake City, but life is not very good at playing by the rule book.  By bedtime a solution had been found.   The driver who picked up our things on Saturday had given me his cell phone number and told me to feel free to call at any time I needed to.   I needed to.  Long story short, our fridge will be making a brief stopover at our new home in Wichita and then will return back to it's original position in our old kitchen.   I am so very fortunate to have gotten this driver and the fact that he is willing to let me pay him to bring it back restores some of the faith in mankind that had dwindled yesterday in this process.  Lesson learned - clarify EVERYTHING when you are selling a home!

So I was a mess last night and decided not to blog.  All those tears I told you I hadn't shed?   They made their appearance yesterday.   It was just tough to have things like this all happen on my last day here and not have Brad to lean on .   I think he may be glad he was in DC as it probably would not have been fun for him to be here!!! 

And just to make life really interesting, George - my black lab/bloodhound toddler - either had a bug or got into something that he shouldn't have or had some anxiety problems.   Let's just say that he couldn't be left alone and we couldn't stray too far from the nearest patch of grass.  You get the picture.    I had planned on going over to Matt's new apartment and seeing what they had done to it, but instead Matt  brought Chinese here to the house, complete with an order of white rice for George for dinner!  So poor Matt got to eat dinner here with his grumpy, tired Mom and sick dog!  Good times.

The good news is that George seems fine today.   He is out rearranging firewood in our friends back yard as I write this and has been chasing Madison around the house this morning.  I think we will be fine but I have packed a ziploc full of white rice for the road!

Now it's time to shower, pack the last few things in the car and try to clean all the paw prints off my friends floor before we hit the road.  Today is okay.  Yesterday was not.  But the lesson learned here is that you just have to keep the faith and hope that in the end it will all work out. 

So long Utah.  It's been a good four years.  See you around!

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