Song of the day

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The good, the bad and the ugly

Well, it's real now. There's nothing like a giant moving van pulling up in front of your house to make it a reality.  I have wanted to post the last couple of days but quite honestly, I was so exhausted at the end of the days that I pretty much sat still for a while and then headed to bed.  Moving is hard work, even when you have someone else pack and load you!

So I am sitting at one friend's kitchen island counter, typing on another friend's Net book that she let me borrow (again)  (thank you Madolin and Kim!) and realizing that I know a lot of good people in Utah.  It's comforting to have a place to come to at the end of the day where Brad and I and all three dogs can just relax and have some quiet time.  Nothing like having a friend who goes out of town and let's you take over her house!  And friends who text you throughout the day on moving day, just to see how you're doing.

Yesterday started out well, when the first young man to ring my doorbell was one of the movers who had upper arms as big as my thighs!   Hooray - a muscle bound guy to move my stuff! The rest of the crew and the truck arrived and I felt so lucky to have such a great, friendly crew.  The driver and his wife, one of his sons and a good friend, as well as the young body builder got to work and before you knew it, half of my life seemed to be sitting on my driveway.   So that is the "good" part of the day.  Felt like my things were going to be well taken care of by people who cared about getting it to my in good shape.  It was fun listening to their banter as they spent the day there, so obviously used to each other and how they worked together that the playfully trash talked with each other and the driver even came out wearing the dog cone that he found in a pile of stuff!   Shockingly, they even managed to get our hot tub onto the back of the truck!   They were awesome and I look forward to seeing them in Wichita and told them they can jump in the pool when the work is done there!

The bad........ there is bound to be some of this.   Unfortunately the load they had picked up the day before went over the weight/space estimate so that left less space on the truck.   That translated to the fact that they weren't able to fit all of our things on the truck!   Looks like I will be back at the house first thing tomorrow to have them send a second truck to pick up the rest and I will get my stuff in two shipments.   Such is life.  If it gets there safe, it doesn't matter, but it would have been nice to have it all taken by them.  At least they got it all out of the main part of the house so the cleaning ladies can clean first thing in the morning.

The other bad part is all of the goodbyes...... those are never fun or easy.  Amazingly, I haven't done much crying since I am a big cry baby, but I assume it will all hit me later.  I think I have just been too busy to let it all sink in.  It's hard to say goodbye to friends, knowing that possibly, there are some you will never see again.  I have never been good at that - which probably explains why I still send out so many Christmas cards!  So to those of you that I have already said my goodbyes to - please know that just because I didn't cry, it doesn't mean I won't miss you.  I truly do believe that who are are is a composite of little bits and pieces of every interaction you have with others, so you will all always be part of me and my life.

The ugly ......    bound to be some of this too.   There is nothing like moving all of your possessions to make you feel like you have been living in filth!!   Oh my, the dust bunnies, cobwebs and hidden surprises!!    One discovery yesterday: if you leave a gummy bear exposed to the elements in the exceptionally dry climate of Utah for an extended period of time, it actually turns into a rock!!

So today, I finally had time to sit and read the paper and eat breakfast sitting down, which was nice.  It's been so hectic that I have been running constantly from eyes open to eyes shut.  I could get used to this.  I guess I am just recharging, getting ready for the chaos on the other end, but it's all good.  There are moments of doubt - are we really doing this, is it the right move for us? - but only time will tell.   After a run with the dogs this morning, Brad and I are headed to the house to load up the cars with what we felt like we wanted or needed to take ourselves (important papers, clothes, dog supplies, a tool bag, etc), clean up a little and say a few more goodbyes to neighbors and friends.

Stay tuned!

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