Song of the day

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Rice, rice baby

Another day, another adventure!   The dogs and I are now ensconced safely in a Motel 6 in Salina, Kansas.  It's only about 90 minutes or so from Wichita but I knew I needed to stay in a motel tonight anyway, so why not here.I was sick of the car and this way we had some time to settle in and only have a short drive tomorrow.  Have to be at the house for a walk through at 10, pick up Brad at the airport at 11 and sign the papers at 1.   Ain't no big deal .......just another day!

Pretty much spent the day on the road.  Dogs actually did great.  We pretty much stopped at rest areas and large truck stops where we could be on the far end of a large parking lot next to a grassy area.   No frantic squirrel chasing today and actually rarely used a leash.  Yeah dogs!

It was kind of comical in the car today.  I realized that Madison, my little chocolate Lab had not had a turn in the front seat so gave her the seat of honor to start the day.  Might have been a mistake as she didn't seem to want to relinquish it the rest of the day.  Suddenly there was a turf war for the front seat all day!!  At one point I came back from the rest room to find Madison and George BOTH in the front passenger seat!!   Trying to reason with dogs is sort of life trying to reason with toddlers!  I told them that there was no way it was going to work as they couldn't lay down.  They just looked at me.  Finally I tried to move Madison to the back, which is pretty much the equivalent of trying to move a 60 pound sack of potatoes!   It was not pretty, but I got MOST of her into the back seat and she just laid there pouting for the next 100 miles or so!

I never would have guessed that Tucker, my Golden, would be the easiest one on this trip,  but he pretty much just sleeps.  George unfortunately has had a return of the GI issues he had earlier in the week.   Not sure what is going on here - just hoping it's a bug or something.  I almost wish he DID complain more, but will just occasionally see him with his nose plastered against the hotel room door so I know to take him out.  PLEASE wake me up during the night George!!!  And kudos to the desk clerk here at Motel 6 who let me microwave some instant rice for him (thanks for getting me that box the other night Matt!).  Here's to a more "regular" tomorrow!    Never a dull moment when traveling with dogs!!

So - other than the dogs, let's talk Kansas!   It was nice to cross the state line!  One of my friends made a comment on a photo of the state sign that I posted on facebook, saying in a nutshell that it seemed understated.  Interesting.  Maybe that's what I like about Kansans - salt of the earth, understated good people!!   It's not about show, it's about substance!  I can honestly say that during this whole trip, I have not once wonder what on earth I was doing and did I make a mistake.  That is a very comforting feeling.  Getting out of the car in Salina to check into the hotel when it was 94 degrees and humid, I was shocked that my first thought was of summer softball leagues when I was a girl, thinking that it's a good thing I was young then and could tolerate it, but it's not like it was a bad memory.  There are actually a lot of fond memories there!   I loved passing all of the old barns, the windmills, the fields being planted with the crops.  It really does feel like I am coming home.  Maybe it's just the fatigue and the novelty of it all talking - guess you will have to stay tuned to find out!

So...... here's to Kansas and one last night before I spend the night in my new home.   It feels good.  I hope I can say that 6 months from now.  Tomorrow I get to see Brad, sign papers to buy my new house and begin the next chapter of the book that is my life.  It never seems to be boring and I seem to never know where the plot goes, but just keep reading!   Hope you will do the same!

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