Song of the day

Friday, June 10, 2011

Where do I start?!?!?

Well, there never seems to be a dull moment involved with this move!   The dogs and I arrived safely in Wichita about 10 a.m. on Thursday, in time to do the walk through our agent.  Things pretty much in order though there is always a few surprises.   The dogs seemed happy to be out of the car and promptly began zooming through the house.  They christened the yard and once I let them in the back yard, it took about thirty seconds for two of them to be in the pool! (no sure of George's swimming abilities yet!)  Turns out there are some ducks and an egret that will have to change their flight habits and avoid our yard or suffer the three dog wrath.   The white egret was beautiful but when I saw him peck into the koi pond and snack on one of my fish, he had to go!

So I dried off the dogs and hC eaded to the airport to pick up Brad who amazingly arrived on time from D.C.  Hooray!  Now the Big Dog Transporter was now the Wet Dog Transporter!  It just gets nastier and nastier!   We grabbed some BBQ for lunch and then headed to sign the papers for the house.  I had noted earlier that the house seemed a bit warm and that when we checked the A/C unit outside it was not running, so they called the home warranty people and made a claim for the previous owners to cover the service call.  There are two units that cool the house so my thoughts were that it was not a HUGE deal to be without A/C since part of the house was cool.  Guess what - the other unit stopped working too!!!   Hooray - a new house and NO A/C!   To add to the fun, my realtor is leaving a Greek cruise today.  We are in good hands though as the lady that runs the company has our back.

So once we get to the house, the guy that is going to epoxy the garage floor shows up and starts right away.  He rocks.   We were trying to beat the moving van, but as we are closing I got a call from the driver, saying he will be there at 7 a.m.!!    Hard to complain about that.

So my mother-in-law, father-in-law and sister-in-law were going to come over and we were going to order pizza and hang out in the house and show them around.  (plus this way they could bring us some fans!)   About 30 minutes or so after they arrived we were given a grand Kansas welcome - we are now under a tornado warning and lo and behold a few minutes later the blare of the sirens tells us to head for the basement.  Turns out no stinking tornado warning will stop Papa Murphy's from delivering, so we ate dinner the first night home in the basement, sitting on lawn chairs!  Every time we thought it was okay to come upstairs the sirens went off again!  After what happened in Joplin, we listen now!

But poor Tucker was not happy. We put his dog bed in the safe room (basically a concrete room in the basement) and he just laid in there and panted and drooled all evening long.  Welcome to Kansas Big Boy!   It'll be okay, I promise,

So last night we slept on the floor in sleeping bags with fans blowing on us.   Woke at about 6:30 and waited for the moving van.   The crew arrived and went right to work.  They were done by about 2 and Brad and I are sitting at Granite City Brewery drinking a beer and using their free WiFi.    Next we are headed to a hardware store for a few supplies that it appears we need - sure hoping those bulbs are burned out or I have no idea where the switches are!!   I have never seen a house with so many wall switches that I have NO IDEA what they go to!!!!   This house is turning into an adventure already.    Oh yeah - forgot to mention that some of the kitchen lights appear to need an electrician and there are so many missing screens I lost count.  And the microwave - really - where di that go?!   And don't even get me started on the pond pump that is not working after the big rain last night!   Can you say thank god for the home warranty?!?!?!?

So beyond that, it's good!!!  Dogs love the yard and have been great.  Love the house and can't wait to get settled and start having fun with it.  Just need a little A/C as I unpack and life is good!   Time to hook up the kegerator!!   Now George......... about that dead rabbit in the back yard ....... we need ti have a talk young man ......

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