Song of the day

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

halfway home

Geez, sure wish I could hit the snooze on the dog alarm.  Seriously?  5:38 am.?  Oh well – I comfort myself by knowing that it’s 6:38 in my future time zone!  All in all the first day went well.  After all of the drama of the last day in Salt Lake City I decided to have a nice leisurely morning so we didn’t hit the road until about 11 a.m.   I kind of felt like I was leaving town in a clown car with all of the stuff I had packed.  The dogs do great in the car, sleeping pretty much the whole time we drive. Not surprising since they each have a dog bed to ride on, so they are traveling in comfort.   The fun typically happens when we stop!

We made our first doggie stop at a rest stop in Wyoming.  As is typical of Wyoming, the wind was whipping and I swear it almost ripped my car door off!   Everyone exited the car through the driver’s door and before I knew it, George was darting at full speed after a squirrel!  Thank gosh the squirrel didn’t run into traffic or George would be a goner.   Lesson learned: have the e-collar on him and the controller in my hand at all times!  All I could think of was that scene from the movie “Up” where the dog is thinking “Squirrel! Squirrel! Squirrel!”

The rest of the day went well and we arrived in Ft. Collins, CO for the night.  Thank gosh for Motel 6 and their lenient pet policy!  Not lush but not bad either.  It was interesting last night when I thought about some of the hotels I have stayed in.  They pretty much run the gamut, but I realize that I am pretty comfortable in everything from a Hilton to a hovel.  That was kind of a nice feeling.

So it’s time to get day number two started.  More of the same and hopefully it will go as well.  I try to rotate who sits where in the car so everyone gets a chance up front.  It’s kind of like traveling with three toddlers!  I have resigned myself to the fact that I will pretty much be a traveling fur ball for the next couple of days – it was pretty shocking when I got to Ft. Collins and rolled the windows down.  Hair was flying everywhere!!  It was NOT pretty!   I have also decided that traveling with dogs is a good weight loss method (or I can at least hope) since it’s really hard to have any snacks in the car.  Thanks for looking out for me guys!

Now it’s time get those wheels in motion!

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