Song of the day

Friday, June 17, 2011

First Week Follies

Thought I'd better check in again so you all didn't think I had somehow vanished!   I guess the last few days have been more about the "doing" than the "writing". 

We're getting there.  It's amazing how much stuff we have - or at least that's how it seems when I have to unpack it all!  I have made two runs to the recycling center with my truck packed full of boxes and paper and I know there will be several more trips to follow.  At least I can feel good about recycling all of the materials.

Brad flew back to Salt Lake City yesterday to finish out the things he needed to do at work there.  I will join him next Friday and then the two of us will drive his car back here and be here for keeps.  In his absence I am determined to make a huge dent in the unpacking/organizing front.   The guys should be done with removing all of the popcorn ceilings and repainting the new surface today so I am going to try to at least get boxes in the rooms where they will go. That will help!  The garage floor looks great and yesterday I bought paint to paint the dingy walls out there, so by the end of the weekend at least my garage will look good!  Go figure - the first room I actually get done and organized will be the garage!     Getting estimates for some new fencing and have to find someone to clean up some trees but at least it feels like progress!

The dogs continue to entertain me on a daily basis.  Madison has become a crazed huntress in the back yard and her new hobby seems to be treeing squirrels.  She will zoom after them and then sit there looking up the tree at them for what seems like hours!  Brad and I think she has actually lost weight since we got here because she is doing so much chasing and doesn't even want to finish her meals!   Tucker is not too sure about this move, but hopefully he will get there.   I remember that the move to Utah was hard on him the first month too, so I am giving him time.   He's definitely not a fan of thunder and lightning, and we've had at least three storms in the first week.  We had a big upholstered chair that we were going to get rid of several years ago but Tucker sort of adopted it, so needless to say, he was very happy when they loaded that thing off the truck!  He's finding all of his hiding spaces that he goes to when the weather gets bad, so I just have to go hunting for him.

George ...... is George.  I am not sure there is anything that really bothers George, except not being with people.  He loves the new place!  He is rearranging the firewood (all over the back yard), is very intrigued with the the pond, finds at least three tennis balls a day somehow in that back yard, hung out with the guys cleaning the pool yesterday, and yesterday decided to try his hand at basketball with an old one he found in the yard.   Needless to say, the basketball did not fare well and has huge pieces missing out of it.  It's hard to feed the fish when he's out because he keeps trying to eat the fish food out of the pond - he actually misjudged one time and his back half slipped in!  I think every day is a good day for George!  We should all try to be like him!

So today is more unpacking, more trying to figure out where things go and if I am lucky maybe a little painting, just to break up the monotony of unpacking.  My friend Deb from high school who lives here in Wichita is going to come over and see the new digs after she gets off work, so that part of moving back is really fun: reconnecting with old friends! 

Oh yeah - and later I will go on a key safari!  The previous owners basically left a handful of keys and other than the front door, I have no idea what any of them are for!  Figure today is the day I try to see if any of them fit anything!  All I know is that NONE of them seem to work on the workshop door since I tried to find that one to use for the workers!   And from what I can tell, if I can find them..... I seem to have a house and barn in Augusta and some sort of car that they left me the keys to!   Sweet!!!  Wish me luck!

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