Song of the day

Monday, June 27, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well, it's official now and Brad and I are back in Wichita!  We got back about 2:30 this afternoon.  It was a great weekend but now it's time to get back to work!

I left on Friday and flew back to Salt Lake City for the finale weekend.  I decided I should hit a few of my favorite places so had one last lunch at Red Iguana, probably one of the best Mexican restaurants I have eaten in - and than includes a lot of  them in San Diego as well!   They have some really unique dishes and everything always tastes amazing.  This time around I went for a special dish I had not had before - Pistachio Mole chicken.  I was not disappointed!  Had a coupon to use up at a fun plant store that carries some unique stuff, so bought a few to bring back with me.   Then it was off to our friends house for the evening and to spend the night.  It was such a nice relaxing time and they are such gracious hosts.  Must admit that I was not my usual party self as I had gotten three hours of sleep Thursday night, but I was forgiven.

Saturday found me doing home repair .... wait!   This is not my house!!   It's okay - I volunteered.   The perils of noticing something not quite right and offering to make it so!   Turns out this light had burnt out several years ago and they needed a new fixture..... which they ordered about a year ago...... and forgot about until a few weeks ago, but still hadn't hired someone to put it up.   So the query of "what all do you do" included an answer of minor electrical work as long as it doesn't involve a breaker box.  After two trips to the lighting store, I finally had all the right parts and 20 minutes later they had a new light up!   And that pesky loose refrigerator door handle?  Well, it got tightened too.

There was a party for Brad and I that night at their house and it was bittersweet to see so many good friends and say our goodbyes.  There are a lot of good people we are leaving behind in Salt Lake City, but I know they will be fine and carry on, as will we.  It was just really special to get to spend one last night with them.  Matt and his girlfriend, Ginger, came as well and I must admit that the only time I cried all night was when I had to say goodbye to Matt.  I didn't expect it to be as hard as it was, but he has been my companion for the last few years and I am so proud of the positive things he has in his life right now and all of the work he put into getting there.  What more can a mother ask for?  It will just be weird to not see him for weeks at a time now!

Sunday morning found Brad and I ....... a little regretful of our imbibing the night before (it was a party for us!  What was I supposed to do, not drink?!) but we were anxious to hit the road.   So we were packed and caffeinated up and on the road by 8.  Long day of driving (and napping when I wasn't driving!) and we spent the night in Burlington, Colorado.   The good news of driving further than we thought we would the first day is that the second day we only had to drive for about 6 hours and were home a little after 2!

Adam, the young man who stayed at the house, is a keeper!   It's amazing what a few days of hard work can look like and he did a great job!  The back yard looks so much better without all of the nasty interior chain link fencing and the planter box is gone - though a lot of the rock and the dirt still need to be moved.  He put up a ceiling fan and tried to troubleshoot another (no luck).  With reasonable rates to boot, it was money well spent!

So now, it's our turn.  Time for Brad and I to spend a few days figuring out a little of "what goes where".   I think in the kitchen I am going to end up moving everything around - every time I reach in for a dish it's not where I think it is, so I guess it's time to re-evaluate.  Brad needs to settle in and next weekend it's our first round of company, so I think I may be spending most of my time trying to at least make things presentable!  We'll see. 

I'm sure in the days to come there will be more dog antics and adventures to tell, but for now, it's just time to map out the plan of attack for the next two and a half days until I go to Mom's house to get her!  Oh yeah, we did go to a sporting goods store today and bought a couple of tennis rackets!  THAT should be a hoot!!

I thought the most "serendipity" moment of the day happened a few miles across the Kansas border.  We were listening to an NPR station that was actually doing a program called High Plains Morning, where they were playing a lot of folk music and the featured artist of the day was Emmy Lou Harris.  We've always been fans and the first song that they played from her new album was one called "Home Sweet Home".  It just doesn't get much more appropriate than that!   Thanks for the welcome Emmy Lou!

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